Let's uplevel your brand by focusing on a curated visual experience.
I'm here to show you how. 

Building a thriving business demands multifaceted talent. Small business entrepreneurs are required to be innovative content creators, visual marketing experts, and much more. 

I approach business development from a stylist's perspective, showing you how to consistently create unique content and quickly curate a custom brand aesthetic that perfectly suits you. 

business education

Other educational accolades? Here's my list.

I've been designing and styling workshops for top film photographers since 2016, leading flatlay classes and workshops since 2018, and have been a featured speaker at multiple national wedding industry conferences, including Hybrid Collective and Evoke Workshops. I've always approached teaching with a humble attitude and hardworking mindset, and believe that learning is a lifelong process. Now, I serve small-business entrepreneurs as a business mentor, empowering talented creatives to truly innovate and grow. 

Elevating your brand empowers you to establish a fulfilling career, enabling your ideal lifestyle. How incredible would it feel to have complete creative and financial control over your own life and business?  

Specializing in creative business growth and standing out in a saturated market, Elizabeth has established a world renowned brand and loyal following in only five years. In our virtual sessions together, you'll learn firsthand how to add value to your brand, uplevel your presentation, and organically attract the coveted clientele you desire. 

Educational Offerings


Speak with Elizabeth over a 90-minute Zoom call about two topics of your choosing. 

One-Time Consult


A series of four 60-minute calls every two weeks, to include 3-4 topics. Includes work assignments. 


A series of eight 60-minute calls over four months, full brand analysis, customized development plan. 

Extended Coaching

Kickstart Coaching